Archbishop of Athens and All Greece


His Beatitude Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Mr. Hieronymos II (born Ioannis Liapis) was born in Oinophyta in Boeotia in 1938. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy (Department of Archeology) and the Faculty of Theology of the University of Athens and was a scholar of the I.K. .Y. (1st on a nationwide scale) in Byzantine studies. He moved on to graduate studies in Gratz, Austria and Regensburg and Munich, Germany. He worked as a university assistant at the Archaeological Society in Athens next to Orlando and as a philologist at the Leonteio School of Nea Smyrna, at the 9th Night High School of Athens, as well as at the Avlonos High School. He abandoned his university career after joining the holy clergy.

He served as Chancellor of the Holy Metropolis of Thebes & Levadeia (1967-1978), as Abbot of the Holy Transfiguration Monasteries of Sotiros Sagamata (1971-1977) and of Saint Loukas (1977-1981), as Secretary and then Chief Secretary of the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece (1978-1981). In 1981 he was unanimously elected Metropolitan of Thebes & Levadea and on February 7, 2008 he was elected Archbishop of Athens and all Greece. He participated in the Committees for Church Education, Church Property, Church-State Relations, Scholarships and worked as Vice President of the Radio Station of the Church of Greece. He was a member of joint State and Church committees for the study of monastic property (1986-1998) and church education (1986-1998) and President of the Church-Society Dialogue committee (2005-2007).

With his tireless care and interest, six male Holy Monasteries (total of 45 Nuns) and seventeen female Holy Monasteries (total of 110 Nuns) were restored, manned and functioning. Among these Monasteries are the historic Monasteries of Saint Luke, Sagamata, Saint Seraphim, Makariotissa, Evangelistria, and Jerusalem.

His authorship includes many articles, studies and books of theological, social and historical content, of which the one entitled “Medieval Monuments of Evia” was awarded first prize by the Academy of Athens in 1970. In 2006, the first of the three volumes of his work was published under the title “Christian Boeotia”.

In his social work stand out the creation of: boarding schools, an orphanage in the form of a foster family (Thebes), Homes for the Elderly (Thebes, Livadeia), a Center for the Reintegration of the Mentally Ill (Livadeia), the Creative Employment School for Children with Special Needs in collaboration with other agencies of the Prefecture (Livadia), the Drug Prevention Center (Livadia), Syssiteia Aporon including economic migrants (Thebes), Counseling Stations (Thebes), Historical and Archaeological Research Center (Zaltsa-Holy Monastery Lykouresi), while as a former teacher he has developed a special relationship with the educational community of Boeotia.

In his Diocese he further took care of the creation and operation of parish spiritual centers, youth centers in most of the parishes of his Diocese as well as model camp facilities in Parnassos. On his initiative, the Research Center for the History and Culture of Boeotia was founded and operates, which collaborates with the Universities of Durham, Cambridge.

He spearheaded the creation – in his hometown, in Oinophyta – of the Population Awareness Center on issues of the environment and economic immigrants.

For his contribution to the philanthropic work of his diocese related to health, he was honored by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Craiova in Romania with the award of the title of honorary Doctor of that University. He is also the President of the Hellenic Cardiology Foundation (ELIKAR).

Minister of State & Minister of Digital Governance


Kyriakos Pierrakakis is a political scientist and computer scientist. He is a graduate of MIT (M.Sc. in Technology Policy), Harvard Kennedy School (M.A. in Public Policy) and the IT department of the Athens University of Economics and Business. He is also a graduate of the Leontio Lyceum of Patissia.

In the past he worked as research director of the independent, non-profit research and analysis organization “diANEOsis”. From this position he coordinated a series of research groups with emphasis on studies that had as main object the economic and productive reconstruction of the country.

He has also worked in research institutes in Greece and abroad on subjects related to technological policy and has served as president of the Youth Institute.

He was born in 1983 in Athens. He is married and has three children.

He speaks English and French.

Minister for Health


Lawyer of Athens, Supreme Court.

Mr. Thanos Plevris was born in Athens on May 21, 1977, is a graduate of the Law School of the University of Athens and holds a master’s degree from the University of Heidelberg with a scholarship (2002) with his work “The patient’s consent according to Greek and German criminal law”.

In addition, since 2006 he holds a doctorate from the Law School of the University of Athens with a dissertation on “Criminal Liability in Medical Practice. Research and Experimentation with the object of man “.

From 2019 until today, he is a Member of Parliament for Athens A with New Democracy.

In the past, he participated in the Special Parliamentary Committees for conducting a preliminary examination on the “Criminal Liability of Ministers”, etc. N. Pappas and D. Papagelopoulos in the Standing Committee on Educational Affairs and in the Special Standing Committee on Parliamentary Ethics.

He also participated in the Standing Committee on Social Affairs and the Special Standing Committee for the Monitoring of the Social Security System.

In 2018 he founded the urban non-profit company with the name “Surveillance of Infections in Health – Civil Non-Profit Company” (EPI.LOISY).

He has published several studies on clinical trials and patients ‘rights with the most recent being “Nosocomial Infections, Legal Assessment, Patients’ Rights, The Doctor’s Position, Examples of Jurisprudence” from Law Library Publications 2018.

He speaks two foreign languages, German and English.

He is married to Eleni Papatheologou Plevris and has two children, Niki and Konstantinos.

Alternate Minister for Health


Dr. Mina Gaga (MD, PhD) studied at EKPA, specialized in Pulmonology at the Pulmonary Clinic of the University of Athens and then specialized in Allergology and Clinical Immunology at Imperial College and the Royal Brompton Hospital in London.

She was an Assistant Professor at the University of Athens and Director of the 7th Pulmonary Clinic and the Asthma Center at the General Hospital of Athens. “I Sotiria”, as well as the Director of the Medical Service of the Hospital, with both a clinical and an educational role.

In addition, he has served as Secretary-General and President of the European Pulmonary Society, Secretary of the European Accreditation Council for Pulmonology (NCDC) and Advisor to the World Health Organization (WHO).

She has been actively involved as a lead researcher in multiple clinical trials, and is a member of teams for the development of asthma and lung cancer guidelines, in which he has published extensively.

On August 31, 2021 he took over as Alternate Minister for Health.

Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, a member of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory MIT


Constantinos (or Costis) Daskalakis is a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, a member of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), and an affiliate of the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS) and the Operations Research Center (ORC). He is also an investigator in the MIT Institute for Foundations of Data Science (MIFODS).

Daskalakis completed his undergraduate studies in Greece, at the National Technical University of Athens, and obtained a PhD in Computer Science at UC Berkeley. He was a postdoctoral researcher in Microsoft Research-New England in 2008-2009, and has been with the MIT faculty since 2009.

Daskalakis works on computation theory and its interface with game theory, economics, probability theory, statistics and machine learning.

He has resolved long-standing open problems about the computational complexity of the Nash equilibrium, the mathematical structure and computational complexity of multi-item auctions, and the behavior of machine-learning methods such as the expectation–maximization algorithm. He has obtained computationally and statistically efficient methods for statistical hypothesis testing and learning in high-dimensional settings, as well as results characterizing the structure and concentration properties of high-dimensional distributions.

Daskalakis along with Goldberg and Papadimitriou, who was his PhD advisor, were honored by the Game Theory Society with the Kalai Prize for their work on the Computational Complexity of Nash equilibrium. Their same work was honored with the 2011 SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize.

Daskalakis was also the recipient of the 2018 Nevanlinna Prize from the International Mathematical Union, the 2018 Simons Investigator Award, the 2018 ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award, the 2008 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award, and the 2019 Bodossaki Foundation Distinguished Young Scientists Award.

Other awards and honors include the 2007 Microsoft Graduate Research Fellowship, the 2009 NSF Career Award, the 2010 Sloan Foundation Fellowship, the 2011 MIT Ruth and Joel Spira Award for Distinguished Teaching, 2012 Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship, the 2017 Google Faculty Award, and the 2019 MIT EECS Frank Quick Faculty Research Innovation Fellowship. His work also received the 2006, 2012 and 2013 Best Student Paper Award at the ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, and the 2013 Best Paper Award at the ACM Conference on Economics and Computation.

Daskalakis sits in the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing Scientific Advisory Board, and is an advisory editor for Games and Economic Behavior.

Postdoc on autism, PhD, Med. UoA-DUTH, Member of the National Mental Health Committee, Office Manager of the Church of Greece delegation in Brussels


Archimandrite Fr. Apostolos Kavaliotis was born in Eleftheroupoli of Kavala. He studied at the Theological School and at the Pedagogical Department of Primary Education of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He holds a post doctorate in thePedagogical Department of Primary Education, Department of Special Pedagogy and Psychology of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens and Phd too.He also holds masters: 1) in Special Education at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, specializing in autism and mental retardation, 2) in the Design of Educational Units at the University of the Aegean, specializing in gender equality and 3) in Language and Literature at the Democritus University of Thrace, specializing in the Black Sea countries.

He participates with presentations in International Conferences and Meetings, while he publishes articles in international scientific journals, also in newspapers. He has written 13 research monographs on Special Education and Education, a monograph with research on the professional employment of Muslim, Roma, pomachand Christian women of the Rhodopes Law with an award from the Region of Anmak and Thrace, a monograph on the relations between the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches, a chapter in English in an international Vatican writing on the subject of the Eucharist and three tales, translated into English.

He is a member of the international consultancy IAC UNESCO, a member of the board of directors of the Frixos Vas Foundation.Papachristidis, regular member of the Greek Red Cross of Alexandroupoli, regular member of the national mental health committee, regular member of the Ministry of Health’s committees for day centers for people with DDS.

He was, after a pan – Hellenic written competition and assessment tables, School Counselor of Special Education and Education of Eastern Macedonia-Thrace and Serres, North and South Aegean and regular member of the board of directors of the University General Hospital  Alexandroupoli. He was a member of the Wise Committee of the Ministry of Labor with responsibility for vulnerable groups under the Ministry of Loukas Katselis, vice-president of the Association for the Protection of Minors of North Central Macedonia and Thrace, regular member of the board of directors of Special Olympics HELLAS and deputy president of the Foundation for Chronic Diseases of the Prefecture of Kavala.

For his multifaceted humanitarian work he was honored with an award from the Academy of Athens in December 2007. In 2010 he was announced by the President of Special Olympics Hellas Mrs. Gianna Despotopoulou “Preacher of Volunteering” of Special Olympics in Greece. In 2011 and 2012 he was honored by the President of Special Olympics Dr. Shriver-Kennedy for the mobilization of Greek citizens in 2013 and 2014 by the President of SO HELLAS Gianna Despotopoulou. In March 2014 he was honored by the Mayor of Paggaio – Eleftheroupoli and the Mayor of Kavala Mr. K. Simitsis for his social, humanitarian, scientific and literary work.

In July 2014, the World Health Organization made a special mention to his study on breastfeeding, as the best in the world. on November 8. The Vatican-based Giuseppe Scacca International Awards awarded him the 1st World Pedagogical Science Award for his research on autism, Down Syndrome and breastfeeding. On 16/1/2015 the President of the Hellenic Republic Mr. Karolos Papoulias awarded him the Golden Cross of theOrder of Honor, which is the highest distinction of the Hellenic Republic. He is an honorary doctor of the International University – TEI of Kavala and was declared an honorary Citizen of Thassos and Kavala.

Lately he is studying on the Nature and Limits of Church (post-doc for the Theology Department of theNational and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

He teaches at the Democritus University of Thrace. Autism, Family and Resilience”,Interdepartmental Postgraduate Studies Program of Special Education.

Deputy Minister of Health


Excellent graduate of the Moraitis school.

Graduated from the Law School of the University of Athens. He received the title of Master of Laws (LLM with honors) in International Commercial Law at the University of Kent at Canterbury, Great Britain. He is a lawyer at the Supreme Court.

She has a 16-year tenure in Local Government, where she was:

President of the Municipal Council and Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Psychikos, member of the General Assembly. of KEDE, member of the Political Committee of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) and President of the Association (SLAAP) for the Protection and Regeneration of Turkovounia.

As a Legal Advisor to the General Secretariat of the Olympic Games of the Ministry of Culture, she collaborated in the drafting of the bill for the sustainable development and social utilization of the Olympic Facilities. (LAW 3342/2005-Government Gazette 131/A’ /6.6.2005)

She was a member of the Health Procurement Committee of the Ministry of Health, in the period 2013-2015.

She was Secretary of Society-Party Relations (2016-2019) and is currently a member of the Health and Labor and Social Solidarity Sectors of the New Democracy.

She was sworn in as Member of Parliament for Athens 2nd of New Democracy on 6/5/2019 due to the resignation of Vangelis Meimarakis.

On 7/7/2019, she was elected for the second time as Member of Parliament B1 of the North Sector of Athens and assumed the duties of Deputy Parliamentary Representative of New Democracy. She was appointed a member of the Standing Committee on Social Affairs, a member of the Constitution Revision Committee, a member of the Special Pre-Investigation Committee of the Parliament of article 86 par. 3 of the Constitution, a member of the Special Standing Committee for the monitoring of the Social Security System and a member of the Special Standing Committee on Penitentiary System and other Prisoner Confinement structures.

In August 2020, she was sworn in as Deputy Minister of Health, with responsibilities for mental health and addictions.

Secretary General of Telecommunications & Posts, Ministry of Digital Governance


Secretary-General for Telecommunications and Posts Athanasios Staveris-Polykalas is specialised in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms, data analysis,  and Natural Language Processing technologies.

On July 2019 he was appointed an adviser to the Minister of Digital Governance with strong contribution on cybersecurity matters and the implementation of the 112 alert service in cooperation with the Secretariat-General of Civil Protection.

Mr Staveris holds a PhD on High Energy Physics from the University of Athens, a Master’s degree on Applied Physics from the National Technical University of Athens,  and an MBA for Executives from Plymouth University.

He has worked on a broad range of ICT projects in the private sector for more than ten years, while he has also worked as a researcher at the CDF experiment in Fermilab, USA through an RTN scholarship and with the cooperation of the INFN Sezione di Pisa.

Special Educator, President of the Board of Directors Panhellenic Association of Adapted Activities "ALMA"


Katerina Giannakopoulou was born in Athens on the 21st of April 1967. She is married and a mother of two daughters.

She graduated from the Department of Physical Education and Athletics in the 1992.

In 2007, she got her Master’s Degree in Special Education, having completed her postgraduate studies with the Department of Education and Culture in Early Childhood Education (TEAPY).

She worked for a Special Institution in Athens for over 15 years as a Special P.E. Educator for children and adolescents with Moderate and Severe Learning Difficulties (Mental Retardation).

In 1996, with the support of some prominent colleagues, she was the First among the founding members of the Hellenic Association of Adapted Activities “ALMA” within which she acts as an elected President of the Board from 1998 to present time.

In 2001, she founded the Association for the Adapted Sports “Protoporoi” / “Pioneers”.

In 2003, she got elected for the plenary session of the Greek Paralympics Committee. In 2006 she accompanied the Greek Team for the Torino Winter Paralympic Games as Leader of the delegation, whereas in 2008, at Beijing, she was the Deputy Commander for the Greek Paralympic Team.

In 2005 she worked for the Municipality of Athens, as a counselor standing by the President of the Organization for Youth and Sports. She was then in charge of planning and implementing the ‘MAZI’ / ‘TOGETHER’ project for inclusive education.

She took part in the procedures of planning, presenting and supporting the 2009 proposal, submitted by the City of Athens for the International Children’s Games Contest. She originally proposed to this context the participation of children with special needs.

In 2007, in the framework of the ‘Psychargos’ Project, she played a leading part for the establishment and operation of the ALMA Day Care Center for children and adolescents in the Autistic Spectrum, aiming at Early Intervention and the Psycho-social Rehabilitation.

She has been President of the Federation of Voluntary Non-Governmental Organizations in Greece, since 2008.

For the last 32 years she plays an active role in the field of Special Needs, in Greece, working by the side of handicapped people, collaborating with the broader community, universities and various institutions.

Her vision is around equity and inclusion for handicapped people in a social frame that upholds equal opportunities for all.

Assistant Professor in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry UoA, 1st Psychiatric Clinic, Aeginite Hospital


Dr Marinos Kyriakopoulos is Assistant Professor in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at the Maudsley Hospital in London and Visiting Senior Lecturer in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, KCL.

He studied Medicine at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (1992 – 1998). He trained in clinical psychiatry, specialising in child and adolescent psychiatry, at St Mary’s, Maudsley and Great Ormond Street hospitals in London. He became member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (MRCpsych) in 2005 and was elected fellow of the college (FRCPsych) in 2016. From 2008 to 2021, he was the Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist of adolescent and children mental health inpatient units in London, including the National and Specialist Inpatient Children Unit of South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust for 11 years. During the same time, he was honorary Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at the National Tourette Clinic at Great Ormond Street Hospital, working subsequently as Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at the National and Specialist Autism and Intellectual Disability Intensive Intervention Team at the Maudsley Hospital. Since 2021, he is based at the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service of the 1st Department of Psychiatry at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Dr Kyriakopoulos completed his PhD at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, in 2010 and led or contributed to several funded research projects, including multicentre clinical trials. He was Visiting Lecturer (2013 – 2016) and subsequently Visiting Senior Lecturer (2016 to date) at the same university and had also been Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, in the USA. He has lectured in postgraduate programmes of several universities and training schemes in psychiatry and child and adolescent psychiatry across the UK and in Europe. From 2017 to 2021, he was joint Training Programme Director of the Maudsley training scheme in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the largest in the UK.

He held several administrative posts at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, including being Elected Member of the Child and Adolescent Faculty Executive Committee (2011 – 2015), Member of the Executive Committee of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Surveillance System (2013 to date), and Deputy Academic Secretary of the Child and Adolescent Faculty (2020 to date), and internationally, including being elected Co-Chair of the Section of Neuroimaging of the European Psychiatric Association (2014 – 2020). He had been Member of the Executive Committee (2013 – 2016) and President (2016 – 2018) of the Hellenic Medical Society UK. He is Deputy Editor of the journal BJPsych International, Associate Editor of the journals Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Frontiers Public Health, and Editorial Board Member of the journal Children.

He has clinical and research interest in early-onset psychotic disorders, the interface between autism spectrum disorders and psychosis, developmental neuropsychiatry and psychopharmacology, and the stigma of mental health treatment in childhood.

He has published over 65 peer reviewed papers and book chapters and has been invited speaker in numerous national and international conferences.

Deputy Minister for Social Welfare and Social Solidarity


Dr. Domna Michailidou, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, responsible for social welfare and social solidarity.

Dr. Domna Michailidou is an academic economist working on economic development and financial crises.

She has been Reform’s adviser to the Prime Minister on a series of issues related to structural reforms and financial markets. She worked for the OECD in Paris and Athens. Between 2010 and 2016 she taught several courses on Macroeconomics and Economic Development at the University of Cambridge and UCL’s School of Public Policy.

She holds an MPhil and a PhD on Financial and Development Economics from the University of Cambridge.

General Secretary of Digital Governance & Procedures, Ministry of Digital Governance


Mr. Leonidas Christopoulos is the Secretary General of Digital Governance and Simplification of Procedures at the Ministry of Digital Governance. Mr. Christopoulos has worked as an advisor to several Ministers as well as to the President of the governing party on the field of public administration reform.

He has coordinated significant public administration reform projects in Greece such as the reorganization of the Greek Central Administration (2014), the reduction of administrative burdens in several policy areas (2014), the public financial management agenda (2012-2014) and the new law on the Executive State (2019).

Mr. Christopoulos is a civil servant at the Ministry of Finance and a graduate of the National School of Public Administration.

He holds a degree on Political Science and International Relations from Panteion University and an MA in International Political Economy from Warwick University. He speaks English & German.

Professor in Child Psychiatry UoA, Director, Department of Child Psychiatry, “Aghia Sophia” Children’s Hospital


Katerina Papanikolaou is Professor in Child Psychiatry at the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) and Director of the University Child Psychiatric Department in “Aghia Sophia” Children’s Hospital.

She studied Medicine at the Medical School of the NKUA (1982-1988) and obtained her doctoral degree from the same Medical School. She received the Certificate of Child Psychiatric Specialty in 1992 and she was then appointed in research programs on autism at the Institute of Psychiatry and MRC Child Psychiatry in London and was trained in Cognitive Therapy in Oxford University, UK.

She worked as an NHS Child Psychiatrist at the Department of Child Psychiatry of the NKUA between 1998 and 2006. In 2006 she was appointed as Lecturer at the Medical School of the NKUA, then as Assistant Professor, as Associate Professor and in 2021, as Professor in Child Psychiatry. In 1998 she founded the Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinic of the University Child Psychiatric Department in “Aghia Sophia” Children’s Hospital aiming at a reliable and valid diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Prof. Papanikolaou’ research activities have focused mainly on neurodevelopmental disorders and in particular autism spectrum disorder across the life span, cognitive therapy, meta-analysis, suicidalidy in children and adolescents, obesity. She has participated in several national and international research programs.

She is the author or co-author of numerous articles in peer-reviewed international journals with high impact factor and a large number of citations.

Professor of Psychiatry, Director, 3rd Department of Psychiatry, Division of Neurosciences, School of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece


Konstantinos N. Fountoulakis, MD, is Professor of Psychiatry at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and director of the 3rd Department of Psychiatry at AHEPA University Hospital, in Thessaloniki, Greece

He is currently, zonal 8 representative (South Europe) in the Board of the World Psychiatric Association, National Representative for Mental Health in the World Health Organization and Vice-President of the Hellenic Psychiatric Association. He chairs the Mental Health Section of the Institute of Scientific Research of the Greek Medical Association. For the years 2020-1 he served as director of Cochrane Greece

Dr. Fountoulakis received his medical degree (1989), performed his residency in psychiatry (1998), and earned his doctorate in psychiatry (1999) at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He received a 3-year fellowship in psychosomatic medicine and a 1-year postdoctoral fellowship for research from the State Scholarships Foundation of Greece. Until 2003 he served as a medical officer in the Greek Armed forces retired with the rank of major. In 2005, Dr. Fountoulakis was a Research Fellow in the Department of Psychiatry, Division of Neuropsychiatry, at the University of Geneva in Switzerland.

Dr. Fountoulakis’ areas of clinical and research interest are reflected in the topics that he teaches: general psychiatry, biological psychiatry, psychopharmacology, mood disorders, schizophrenia and personality disorders. He has coauthored more than 500 papers and more than 300 of them are published in international journals such as the LANCET, BMJ, Am J Psychiatry, British Journal of Psychiatry, Biological Psychiatry, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, Journal of Affective Disorders, Schizophrenia Research, Psychiatry Research, Bipolar Disorders, and the Annals of General Psychiatry among others, with over. 15,000 citations and h=64 (Publish or Perish). During the years 2016-8 he was ranked by within the top 25 world experts concerning Bipolar disorder (0.068%) and among the top 50 concerning suicidality (0.097%). In 2022 he was ranked in the top 0.31% concerning year and in the top 0.56% concerning whole career among all scientists of all scientific fields according to the Stanford ranking.

He authored or co-authored a number of chapters in books including the Mood disorders chapter for the Wiki project of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). He has authored the book ‘Bipolar disorders: An Evidence-Based Guide to Manic Depression’ (Springer-Verlag 2015), the book ‘Psychiatry: From its historical and Philosophical roots to the modern face’ (Springer 2022) and the ‘Human connectome: how the brain works (Springer 2022). He also co-edited the WPA book ‘Advances in Psychiatry vol 3’ (Springer-Verlag 2018), and the book ‘Psychobiology of behavior’ (Springer-Verlag 2019)

He chairs the ISNP and since 2006, he served as Secretary, since 2008 as co-chair, and currently as Chair of the Private Practice Section and also currently is chair of the section of Evidence Based Psychiatry, of the World Psychiatric Association. He served as Chair of the CINP Credentials and Membership Committee (2010-2) and the Neuropsychological and Psychometric Instruments Section, of the Greek Psychiatric Association. He is an active member of a number of national and international professional organizations, including the EPA, APA, WPA, CINP, ECNP, ISAD, ISBD, EBF and others, peer referee for the Cochrane Collaboration and member of the International College of Neuropsychopharmacology (CINP) Advisory Board to the Task Force on the Usefulness of Antidepressants and the Mental Health Economics Task Force of the International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA).

Dr. Fountoulakis served for almost 20 years as Editor of Annals of General Psychiatry and stepped out at the end of 2019. He currently serves as field editor of CNS Spectrums (IF=3.9). He also served as Section Editor of Current Opinion in Psychiatry as well as guest editor in other international journals.
Administration experience

In 2009 was appointed member and in 2012-4 chair of the Greek Ministry of Health Committee for the Administrative, Economic and Scientific Supervision of the Mental Health Units of the deinstitutionalization project. In 2013 was appointed chair of the Independent Committee of Experts for the Assessment of Mental Health Services of the Greek Ministry of Health.
Since 2019 he is head of the Mental Health Section, Research Institute, Greek Medical Association.

He has received a number of national and international research awards, including the 2012 Kraepelin-Alzheimer medal of the University of Munich and the 2015 Excellence in Education Award of the WFSBP.
Since 2014 he is honorary member of the WPA

IT and Management Consultant


George Nathanael has 4 decades of experience in IT consulting and Management. He has worked for a number of years as a business consultant for large companies and organizations of the Private and Public Sector, and was Director of the IT Consulting sector of REMACO A.E., KANTOR S.A. and Metrotech A.E.

He has managed and participated in many IT and Process Reengineering projects of the Private and Public Sector, and for three years he was responsible for IT Strategic Planning of the Lambrakis Journalistic Organization.

Mr. Nathanael also has significant experience from many Greek and international IT production & research projects.

He studied in the USA, at Yale (BSc, Engineering) and New York University (MBA, Computer Applications & Information Systems), and is a scholarship holder of the Bodosakis Foundation, on behalf of which he has participated in the design and supervision of the website www. He is a founding member of the MIT Enterprise Forum Greece, and was a member of the Project Management Committee of the Educational and Development Initiative, an important educational project, which was implemented by the country’s 8 major non-profit institutions.

He has collaborated, as a publishing consultant, with the RAM Informatics magazine from 1987 to 2102.

He has written articles and book reviews in Greek newspapers and magazines, including BIMA, Nea, Kathimerini and Books Journal.

Today he is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Hellenic Association for Asperger’s Syndrome (E.s.s.a.), and responsible for the design of the job-finding platform JobsLink, for people with autism.

Co-founder Dome Consulting Firm & Communication Expert


She studied Political Sciences at the Department of Law of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and media training at the BBC Academy. She is a journalist, political analyst, TV anchorwoman until 2011 and General Manager of the think tank Institute of Democracy, Konstantinos Karamanlis until 2014.


Director of Real FM


Giorgos Houdalakis studied journalism and has been working in broadcasting since 1991. He has presented live radio shows throughout this period in some of the leading radio stations in Athens, including Antenna 97.2 FM, City 99.5, Parapolitika FM and RealFM.

He has also worked extensively in television journalism, as a presenter and commentator (Mega Channel, 902, Blue Sky).

He has held numerous managerial and editorial positions: Editor, Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor at Antenna 97.2 FM; News and Current Affairs Editor at City 99.5 and RealFM; Head of Programming at Parapolitika FM; Editor at SKAI Television, Mega Channel and Star Channel.Blue 

Currently, he holds the post of Manager at RealFM, also presenting the station’s morning show.

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At a glance

The General Secretariat of Telecommunications and Posts of the Ministry of Digital Governance and the Ministry of Health, in the context of the implementation of information dissemination actions for advanced technologies, are organizing, under the auspices of the Holy Archbishopric of Athens, a summit on “Artificial Intelligence and Autism”, which will take place on February 24, 2023, at the Athens Marriott Hotel, in the Corfu Room, at 9:30 a.m.

The summit aims to inform and raise awareness of the public, special social groups, and the scientific community, highlighting the pivotal role of Artificial Intelligence in the digital transformation of society, using innovative methods in different areas of application, such as that of the pervasive developmental spectrum – autism.

Live Stream


Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη και Αυτισμός - Έναρξη ημερίδας


Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη και Αυτισμός - Κωνσταντίνος Δασκαλάκης


Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη και Αυτισμός - Αρχιμανδρίτης Δρ. Απόστολος Καβαλιώτης


Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη και Αυτισμός - Από την έρευνα στις εφαρμόσιμες πολιτικές - ο ρόλος της πολιτείας


Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη και Αυτισμός - Στα πεδία της διάγνωσης, της εκπαίδευσης, των κοινωνικών δεξιοτήτων


Ημερίδα με θέμα «Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη και Αυτισμός»

Summit Opening

Archbishop Ieronymos II
Archbishop of Athens and All Greece
Kyriakos Pierrakakis
Minister of State & Minister of Digital Governance
Thanos Plevris
Minister for Health

Keynote Speakers

Constantinos Daskalakis
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, a member of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory MIT
Archimandrite Fr. Apostolos Kavaliotis
Postdoc on autism, PhD, Med. UoA-DUTH, Member of the National Mental Health Committee, Office Manager of the Church of Greece delegation in Brussels


Mina Gaga
Alternate Minister for Health
Zoe Rapti
Deputy Minister of Health
Athanasios Staveris
Secretary General of Telecommunications & Posts, Ministry of Digital Governance
Katerina Giannakopoulou
Special Educator, President of the Board of Directors Panhellenic Association of Adapted Activities "ALMA"
Marinos Kyriakopoulos
Assistant Professor in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry UoA, 1st Psychiatric Clinic, Aeginite Hospital
Domna Michailidou
Deputy Minister for Social Welfare and Social Solidarity
Leonidas Christopoulos
General Secretary of Digital Governance & Procedures, Ministry of Digital Governance
Katerina Papanikolaou
Professor in Child Psychiatry UoA, Director, Department of Child Psychiatry, “Aghia Sophia” Children’s Hospital
Konstantinos N. Fountoulakis
Professor of Psychiatry, Director, 3rd Department of Psychiatry, Division of Neurosciences, School of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Giorgos Nathanael
IT and Management Consultant
Mariana Pirgioti
Co-founder Dome Consulting Firm & Communication Expert
George Houdalakis
Director of Real FM

Summit Agenda

09:30 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:20
Summit Opening
Athanasios Staveris
Secretary General of Telecommunications & Posts, Ministry of Digital Governance
Archbishop Ieronymos II
Archbishop of Athens and All Greece
Kyriakos Pierrakakis
Minister of State & Minister of Digital Governance
Thanos Plevris
Minister for Health
Via Video
Mina Gaga
Alternate Minister for Health
10:20 - 10:40
The latest developments in artificial intelligence
Keynote Speaker
Constantinos Daskalakis
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, a member of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory MIT
10:40 - 11:00
Artificial intelligence and Autism
Keynote Speaker
Archimandrite Fr. Apostolos Kavaliotis
Postdoc on autism, PhD, Med. UoA-DUTH, Member of the National Mental Health Committee, Office Manager of the Church of Greece delegation in Brussels
11:00 - 12:00
Section A
From research to applicable policies - the role of the state
Zoe Rapti
Deputy Minister of Health
Athanasios Staveris
Secretary General of Telecommunications & Posts, Ministry of Digital Governance
Katerina Giannakopoulou
Special Educator, President of the Board of Directors Panhellenic Association of Adapted Activities "ALMA"
Marinos Kyriakopoulos
Assistant Professor in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry UoA, 1st Psychiatric Clinic, Aeginite Hospital
Mariana Pirgioti
Co-founder Dome Consulting Firm & Communication Expert
Section A
12:00 - 12:45
Break / Light Lunch
12:45 - 13:45
Section B
The use of artificial intelligence in the fields of diagnosis, education and social skills
Domna Michailidou
Deputy Minister for Social Welfare and Social Solidarity
Leonidas Christopoulos
General Secretary of Digital Governance & Procedures, Ministry of Digital Governance
Katerina Papanikolaou
Professor in Child Psychiatry UoA, Director, Department of Child Psychiatry, “Aghia Sophia” Children’s Hospital
Konstantinos N. Fountoulakis
Professor of Psychiatry, Director, 3rd Department of Psychiatry, Division of Neurosciences, School of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Giorgos Nathanael
IT and Management Consultant
George Houdalakis
Director of Real FM
Section B
13:45 - 14:00
Conclusions / Closing Summit


Athens Marriott Hotel, Corfu Room
385 Andrea Siggrou Avenue, 175 64, Athens, Greece

For more information contact us.

DOME Consulting Firm

Αντωνία Αγγελάκου
+30 – 212 – 1052761

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